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Q)  What is the advantage of CitiHouse Aberdeen B&B?

A)  No wonder, there are plenty hotels in Scotland but, if you are searching for a suitable and affordable accommodation, our B&B is one of the best in terms of facilities and pricing. You will find all the benefits and luxury at much cheaper costs. So, if you are planning for an escape, you must contact us.

Q)  What kind of accommodations do you provide?

A)  We have arrangements for all types of accommodations while our rooms are available for individuals and business people, we also have facilities for families. Moreover, we provide overnight accommodations for the people who are looking forward to explore Aberdeen and all its surrounding places.

Q)  What are the added facilities to expect from CitiHouse Aberdeen B&B?

A)  Well, apart from luxury quality bed and breakfast, you get some added facilities here at our B&B such as; it is located in the West End of Aberdeen and you can easily access the city centre 2, the nearby shops are just a few minutes’ walk from that place and the Airport is just 6.7 miles away and the nearest train station is just 2 miles. So, our B&B is well connected and with good parking facilities too!

Q)  How to book a room in CitiHouse Aberdeen B&B?

A)  This is really easy! We have kept the booking process really easy and simple for the visitors. All you need to do is visit our “Book A Room” and feed your requirements. You can easily search the availability and the charges!

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